



A stylish new card effect that ends with the spectator getting a souvenir that will cement your performance in their memory for a lifetime. A card is selected (possibly signed), and then becomes inexplicably fixed to a chain sandwiched between two Jokers.This never-before seen sandwich effect can be performed fairly in front of even your most suspicious spectators. The Pendant is suitable for a wide range of situations from close up to parlor magic.

The Effect
A deck of cards is displayed to show that a small hole has been punched into each card.The spectator selects a card and signs it.
The card is returned to the deck.
The deck is placed between two face-up jokers and a chain is threadedthrough the holes.
The deck, suspended by the chain, gets lowered into a bag then quicklypulled out to reveal that the only thing left on the chain is the signed selection sandwiched between the two Jokers.

Product Features
• No difficult sleight of hand required.
• The effect is easy to perform.
• Suitable for a wide range of performance environments.
• The spectator can receive a souvenir that will create a lasting impression. • Easy to follow instructions will teach you how to construct your own refills. • Pendant easily resets for repeat performances (if you decide not to giveaway the props)

In The Box
• Gimmicked deck (Red Bicycle) • 4 refill cards (uncut)
• Chain
• Special drawstring bag• Explanation card




Flick! That’s all.
Insert a card or bill and flick it with your finger.
That’s all it takes to make them appear, change, disappear, or teleportation.
How would you use it?

In The Box
Main unit
Explanation URL

Created by Yuji Enei
Produced by Tejinaya & Lumos Magic


Main 1

This trick was the most shocking of the year.
The fact that the cards are completely reformable proves the perfection of the trick.
It reminded me of the first time I saw Mr. Nicholas in the US!
Definitely the best trick of the year!

Flick! That’s all. Insert a card or bill and flick it with your finger.
That’s all it takes to make them appear, change, disappear, or teleportation.
How would you use it?

Bicycle Deck (red)
Gimmick set Refill set (for maintenance)
Explanatory video (2D code)

Created by Yuji Enei
Produced by Lumos Magic